Answering the need for speed, Telkomsel rolls out 4G LTE service in Bali (but only in some parts)

Telkomsel has officially launched its 4G LTE services to its customers in Indonesia, but only for those in Jakarta and Bali, reports Kompas

However, don’t rush to download and stream too fast. The service will not be uniform in all places.

As described by Telkomsel Director Alex J. Sinaga at the launch in Jakara, the company will bring its service out in stages. For the initial stage, Telkomsel is preparing 200 4G bases stations in Jakarta and another 200 scattered in Bali based on areas of high data traffic. 

For Bali, this translates to 90 percent of Denpasar, namely in Bisnis Teuku Umar, Imam Bonjol, and Sanur. In addition, 80 percent of Badung will feel the speed in Kuta, Legian, Nusa Dua, and Jimbaran (and partly in Uluwatu). 

Special indoor 4G LTE coverage areas are Ngurah Rai Airport (thank god!), Galeria Mall, Beach Walk, and Kutabex Mall. 

Not a shocker, if you’re out of the 4G LTE zones, you’ll still get the regular old 3G network. By 2019, Telkomsel promises to provide 4G LTE services to all 22 Indonesian provinces, according to Sinaga. 

Telkomsel customers can go in to upgrade their service to any Grapari store by swapping out their sim card, reports Metro TV

If you absolutely hate Telkomsel, don’t worry. The telecom giant won’t hold the 4G monopoly that long as XL and Indostat are also reportedly kicking off their own 4G services in the future. 

Photo: @TelkomselFlash pic posted on Twitter of Jakarta launch event


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