Coconuts Bali Lifestyle

Take a break from the news (both the hard crime stuff and soft viral heart-warming pieces we are known to cover) and get swept up into the Coconuts Bali lifestyle section. We love the news, really we do, but you can never really understand and experience a place without feeling its lifestyle and getting in tune with culture. Let’s be honest, Bali is a culture-rich island with loads to write on and explore. Stories on the island’s dazzling and intriguing arts, entertaining showbiz, hip and traditional music, trendy fashion & shopping, LGBT+, sexuality & dating, and Bali special city (aka island) guides get regularly posted to get into Bali’s booming cultural sphere. Need to know which volcano in Bali you should climb? We have answers. How to pass the time on a rainy day during ‘musim hujan’ when going to the beach isn’t really the best of ideas? We’ve got the rundown. Where are the best swim-up bars or Sunday brunch buffets with alcohol packages (we see you alcies out theres—plus daytime drinking ain’t no thang when it comes to vacation)? Don’t worry, we’ve also got heaps of family-friendly content too. Why check out our lifestyle section when there are loads of glossy travel and inflight magazines and aggregating Instagram accounts bringing you tastes of the ‘Bali lifestyle’? Because we keep it real with you and aren’t just posting for appearances and followers. We’ll give it to you straight up with a twist—got to keep things interesting, edgy, and spicy, not vanilla, you know?

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