Man hangs himself on tall lamp post along major road in Jakarta, footage goes viral


If you’re part of a WhatsApp group in Indonesia, chances are you might have been the recipient of some gruesome viral videos or photos of a man who hanged himself to death on a lamp post along a busy road in East Jakarta’s Pasar Rebo district today.

The footage shows an unidentified shirtless man climbing an extremely tall lamp post on the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) toll road at around midnight. One video that has been circulating is especially disturbing, as it shows the victim hanging himself using what appears to be a rope tied to the top of the lamp post, struggling for several minutes before his body stops moving.

Even the official Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Management Centre (TMC Polda Metro) Twitter account shared a video of the man’s corpse featuring a crowd gathering on an adjacent overpass trying to get a glimpse at the body.

(Warning: Disturbing content)

“At first we didn’t know that somebody climbed the lamp post, but we heard many cars honking on the toll road. We then saw him climbing on the lamp post. He was stressed, shirtless, and eventually acted even more strange and tied a rope to the post and hanged himself,” said a witness named Imank, as quoted by Tribun.

The fire department was dispatched to bring down the body.

The police say they are investigating the case and have not yet released any information about the victim besides identifying his as a 38-year-old man named Daryoso from Tegal, Central Java.


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