VIRAL: Woman attacks police officer in the middle of traffic after getting ticket for driving in busway lane

Nobody likes getting a traffic ticket from the police, even when you’re actually the one in the wrong. But there are plenty of different ways you can handle it. You could: A. Accept it with a smile and acknowledge your mistake B. Attempt to illegally bribe your way out of it or C. Do what the woman in this video did and end up becoming the subject of an instantly infamous viral video:

This video was originally posted about 4 hours ago as of the time of writing and it has already been shared well over 40,000 times.

In the post accompanying the video, the original uploader, Firman Perdana Putra, says he is a fellow police officer who observed the incident and explains what transpired. 

According to Firman, it happened today at around 9 am on Jl. Jatinegara Barat in East Jakarta. Due to heavy traffic, some people were attempting to use the restricted busway lane to bypass the macet. One of those drivers was caught and given a ticket by police officer Aiptu Sutisna. 

Firman says the woman in the video cursed at the officer and refused to accept the ticket, claiming that she worked for the Mahkamah Agung (Supreme Court). 

What happened next can be seen in the video, with the woman knocking the clipboard out of Officer Aiptu’s hands. After more heated words are exchanged it appears as if the woman is trying to grab something, either the clipboard or a handphone, from the policeman. The video ends with her pulling at his uniform and partially removing his safety vest as onlookers honk their horns and look on in disbelief.

Firman said the incident was immediately reported and both the woman and Aiptu were taken in for questioning by the East Jakarta Police. Based on the license plate registration information for the car, Firman identified the woman as Dora Natalia. Police later officially confirmed that Dora was the woman in the video and that she did in fact work at the Supreme Court.

East Jakarta Police Superintendent Sapta Maulana also confirmed that the motivation for Dora’s attack was because she was stopped from entering the busway.

“She wanted to enter the busway, then she was ticketed by the officer and she could  not accept it,” Sapta said as quoted by Detik. It is not yet clear what charges Dora will face.  


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