4-year-old falls to his death from 18th floor apartment after being left alone for 5 minutes

A 4 year-old boy, identified as KM, tragically died this morning after he fell from his apartment unit on the 18th floor of the Green Bay Pluit apartments in North Jakarta.

The Jakarta Metro Police said KM lived in the apartment with his mother, Henny, and two siblings. Henny stepped out of the apartment at 11:25 with her other two children and left KM alone.

“His mother and siblings went to pick up something at the lobby. When they got back up, the victim was not there and it turned out he died [after falling from the apartment],” said Jakarta Metro Police Spokesman Grand Commissioner Awi Setiyono, as quoted by Kompas.

KM is believed to have plunged to his death at 11:30. The police did not reveal from which part of the apartment he fell out of.

Investigation into the fall is still ongoing. The police have not yet determined if the mother could be charged with criminal negligence.


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