City Council chairman wants free Wi-Fi removed from public parks because he says kids use it for porn

Yes, Jakarta does indeed have public parks and some of them even have free Wi-Fi. Speaking from experience though, the connection is often spotty and slow. Not speaking from experience (we swear), Wi-Fi in public parks can apparently be used to surf internet porn.

At least that’s what Jakarta City Council (DPRD) Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi said. Apparently some citizens complained to the DPRD that children have been using public park Wi-Fi to access porn.

Because of that, Prasetio is urging the Jakarta Provincial Government to get rid of all free Wi-Fi in parks.

“The Wi-Fi facility must be immediately removed, there are more negative effects than positive ones,” he said, as quoted by Poskota today.

“They are watching [porn] together in numbers [at parks]. This is really concerning.”

Of course, this is all based on claims and there is no concrete data supporting Prasetio’s concerns.

But sure, let’s go into panic mode and get rid of all the public park Wi-Fi. Why stop there? Why not block Indonesia from the internet altogether, because obviously children can still access porn using various means, despite that being the only goal of the government’s costly internet censorship program. Won’t somebody please think of the children?


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