Balangan Beach cafe owner says 6 cafes burned down in last night’s fire

Last night, we were startled to see pictures pop up online of what appeared to major flames at Bali’s Balangan Beach.

Tribun Bali is reporting that the fire on the Bukit Peninsula beach in Pecatu started around 9 pm last night and took six cafes. 

RELATED Photos circulate of apparent fire at Balangan Beach

Cafe owner Wayan Darsana, 35, told Tribun Bali that he was sitting with some friends not far from where the fire started. Suddenly, he heard someone screaming that a cafe was on fire, he says. 

When he tried to get closer to the fire, it was already huge and there wasn’t much he could do, he added. Darsana says from what he heard at the scene, the fire was probably caused by an electrical problem. 

He estimates he suffered IDR350 million in losses, from all his merchandise burning down, along with losing his guest rooms. 

Thankfully there haven’t been any reports of injuries or fatalities. 

Photo at the top from Bali Expats Facebook page


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