Our last post on Carlsberg’s new Myanmar beer Yoma was woefully inadequate when it came to describing where to actually drink the stuff.
But a list of beer stations has been floating around on social media, with addresses for the 24 locations in Yangon, 3 in Mandalay, and 7 in Bago, if you are ever in Bago (Carlsberg’s brewery is there).
Yoma isn’t the only new player in town. There’s the dominant Myanmar Beer, and Heineken’s forthcoming ‘Regal Seven.’
But Carlsberg has a head start on Heineken on the marketing front (none of them are coming close to touching Myanmar Beer yet). Check out Yoma’s somewhat amusing commercial. “Yoma” means mountain range in Burmese, hence all the references to breezes and pictures of imposing peaks.
Photo and video: Facebook / Yoma Beer