Watch out Bali, Real Housewives of Atlanta might be vacationing here

The stars of the Real Housewives of Atlanta (Bravo’s hit reality TV show) are on a mystery trip in some tropical destination. We know they had a “20 hour journey from Atlanta” and based on photos the ladies are posting, some people, including celebrity gossipist Tamara Tattles are making an educated guess that the housewives are in Bali!

Prepared for ebola, naturally.

Other theories put the ladies in South Korea, but come on, look how tropical these pics are that they’re posting on their social media accounts! Tell us you haven’t seen dozens of these outdoor bathrooms in Bali. 

Clearly the RHOA, along with their network love dangling out these “mystery” pics and making us try and guess where they are. Expert attention grabbers:


My current situation….

A photo posted by Claudia Jordan (@claudiajordan) on


I gotta come back here one day with ______

A photo posted by Claudia Jordan (@claudiajordan) on


My view….

A photo posted by Claudia Jordan (@claudiajordan) on


30 hours later…. In Paradise

A photo posted by Claudia Jordan (@claudiajordan) on

It’s all about the tropical selfie shot.

If they are here, Bali better watch out. The Real Housewives of Orange County had an episode air in Bali this past August and all was not pretty with the drama, meltdowns and cluelessness about the “locals.” Bali Safari & Marine Park’s elephants better cover their balls too, because they sure got oogled by one of the RHOC who exclaimed at the elephants’ sheer size down there (if you catch our drift). 

That said, keep an eye out for these RHOA ladies and let us know if you spot them!

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