Viber in Myanmar releases Martyrs’ Day stickers with renderings of Aung San

July 19 marks the 69th anniversary of the assassination of Aung San and eight others in 1947.

And so today was full of solemn tributes to the revered independence hero and his fellow fallen comrades, with his daughter, Aung San Suu Kyi, kneeling before his mausoleum in Yangon.

Thousands of people also showed up to the Secretariat in Yangon, where the killings took place.

But you can also reflect on the dramatic historical event in a somewhat more contemporary fashion.

Viber, the messaging and chat service widely popular in Myanmar, decided to make its own contribution by releasing a series of “Myanmar Martys’ Day” stickers, including one of Aung San’s profile.

“Let’s pay respect to our Martyrs with these Martyrs’ Day Expressions,” the page for the stickers says.

Many of the roughly two-dozen stickers come with an “expression,” which is more like a something that might be uttered on Martyrs’ Day rather than an actual saying or proverb.

For instance, one features a mother talking to her son and asking “Do you know what today is?”

Another is a wreath of roses that says “July 19.”

“I do respect General Aung San and the other Martyrs,” a different sticker says, featuring a woman with her head bowed.

There’s also a sticker with the Myanmar flag flying half-staff.

The stickers are free, but you need Viber to download them.

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