On same day teen died downtown, two other electrocution deaths in Yangon

On the same day a teenager was fatally electrocuted after stepping in a puddle downtown, two other men died of the same cause in Yangon Region.

The boy, identified as 16-year-old Kan Kaung, died on Tuesday on Bogyoke Aung San Road.

In Hmawabi Township, meanwhile, Myo Min Oo was killed by a 400-volt cable on Ye Baw Zay Street, the Myanmar Times reported.

In North Okkalapa, 38-year-old Aung Kyaw Tint died at an aluminum factory after touching a light switch.

Deaths like these are not unusual in Yangon, especially during the rainy season when wet weather combines with frequently tangled and dangerous power lines.

Yesterday, a day after the death of Kan Kaung, the site on Bogyoke Aung San Road remained unmarked, with twisted cables overhead.

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