PHOTOS: Check out this homemade YBS cash box

Photo: Facebook / Lwin Oo
Photo: Facebook / Lwin Oo

Following the Yangon regional government’s announcement that all YBS buses would now have cash boxes installed onboard and would no longer be employing bus conductors — commonly known as ‘spares’ — the Yangon Region Transport Authority has been trying to get a move on the installations, although understandably, they haven’t been able to get to all the buses yet.

This week, YRTA Secretary Dr. Maung Aung confirmed to Mizzima: “We haven’t finished installing boxes [in all of the buses] so some will still have spares. But we’ll be done with those vehicles as well by the end of this month.”

That being said, the YRTA might want to recheck all of their currently installed cash boxes because some of them seem to already be in need of an, erm, update. Earlier today, the Facebook page Lwin Oo uploaded these photos simply captioned ‘YBS cash box’ because, well, there’s not really much else to say.

Photo: Facebook / Lwin Oo
Photo: Facebook / Lwin Oo

If you’re readjusting your glasses, yes, that really is a metal trunk on its side with a ‘hole’ cut on top for passengers to deposit their money. And of course to make sure that no thieves run away with all that cash, the box is tightly secured with a long piece of green nylon rope.

It’s unclear how this box came to be, but we have some theories:

  1. The YRTA told the bus driver to create their own makeshift box and they figured this was their chance to let their creativity shine.
  2. It’s a temporary box until the real thing comes along so the driver just scraped together things that they had lying around the house because tbh what would be the point of going to City Mart?
  3. The driver and the spare really didn’t get along and the driver decided they’d rather have this substandard and potentially dangerous cash box than the now ex-spare.

Whatever the reason, this is once again proof that we Myanmar people are nothing if not resourceful.

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