Myanmar culture ministry clarifies 5 pagodas exempt from climbing ban

The new ban on climbing on ancient monuments at Bagan does not apply to five of the most popular pagodas, Myanmar’s culture ministry said this evening.

The clarification posted the ministry’s Facebook page comes after an earlier announcement suggested that tourists could be banned from all monuments, and several media outlets reported the news.

Several of the tallest pagodas are popular sunset viewing spots.

From March 1, visitors will be banned from climbing up most pagodas, but will be free to climb up the following: Shwesandaw – the main tourist favorite – Pyathard Gyi, South Gunni, North Gunni and Thitsaw Wati.

That means views like this will be around for a while longer.

Editor’s note: Due to a translation error, a previous version of this post wrongly reported that the ban would only apply to 5 pagodas. We regret the mistake.

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