Google yesterday released the ‘Year in Search 2016’ video, which offers a recap of major world events based on what humans searched for on Google over the past year. The video is mostly grim and cobbles together only scraps of hope for the future.
2015’s video posed great questions: How can we help the refugees? How can we overcome prejudice? How can the world find peace?
This year’s video shows that 365 days later, we are no closer to answering them.
However, while global Google searches reflect the world’s spiral into uncertainty, searches in Myanmar over the last year reflect other trends, including the deepening romance between Myanmar people and smartphones, the growing popularity of Korean drama and ubiquity of Pokémon.
Below are the Google search topics that gained the most popularity in Myanmar over the last year, as well as Myanmar’s top searches overall in 2016.
Overall top search topics in Myanmar:
Trendingest searches in Myanmar:
For a little more fun, take a look at what search were most popularar in each subregion of Myanmar. For instance, it might be surpring to see that the topic ‘pokemon’ was most popular in Shan State, as was ‘trump’.