Photos: 7 ways to wear a longyi

The longyi, Myanmar’s favorite item of clothing. Photo: Momo/ Flickr

For centuries, Myanmar people have worn longyi, an elegant sarong-like cloth wrapped around the waist. The female variation – admired for its elegant fit – is called htamein and the male – preferred for its breathability – pasoe.

Turns out, however, there’s more than one way to wear the longyi.

One enterprising fashionista has posted a series of photos illustrating how the cloth can be moulded into just about anything: from shorts to a bag. The post, on Myanmar Memes Facebook group, has gone viral.

If you’ve got as much time as this dude clearly has – enjoy.

1. The ordinary. Your humdrum everyday look.

2. The short pants. (Or in England, culottes). Lots of edge.

3. The shorter pants. Or the ‘European schoolboy on vacation’ look.

4. The blanket. Useful in cool season.

6. The bag. This guy’s got some real skills.

7. The waist-coat. This one’s just for fun. (We think.)

All photos: Myanmar Memes / Facebook

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