Scenes from Myanmar’s first Drag Olympics

Myanmar’s most athletic drag queens competed yesterday in the country’s first Drag Olympics â€“ a fierce test of speed, core strength, and bag-throwing ability.

The games were the most highly anticipated event during the first two days of &PROUD â€“ an LGBT pride and culture festival held at Yangon’s Thakin Mya Park over the weekend. An estimated 5,000 people crowded into the small park to watch the friendly drama unfold.

Before doing the sports, the queens unveiled the magical side of themselves with the help of environmentally problematic synthetic hair and glitter.

Then they got up on stage to introduce their new personas to the crowd, some of them correcting themselves in Burmese to make sure they used lady pronouns.

The games began with a hula hoop competition. It’s unclear how it was scored, but they all performed courageously.

Next, the queens had to throw a bag as far as they could. A few audience members had the honor of stopping the bag’s flight with their faces.

The final contest was a foot race in heels. The drama was thick as the athletes prepared to set off.

The rules were flexible.

One queen was left behind.

Some of the ladies’ shoes did not survive.

We’re not sure who won, but it was an exhilarating and educational affair for the whole family.

&PROUD continues from Feb. 1 to 4 at Yangon’s Institut Français de Birmanie.

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