Mornings are the busiest time at the Kyi Min Daing Fish market, the little center of industry on the banks of the Yangon River.
In the early hours, ships and little boats draw into the harbor to offload their cargo: fresh fish caught from neighboring regions, especially the fertile Irrawaddy Delta.
Laborers haul baskets of tuna, sardines and catfish off the vessels to be packaged for the businesses which ordered them.
The piles of fish are put on ice and packed onto container trucks to be driven to markets, supermarkets and shops around town.
After the vehicles head off, a hush descends on the market. Laborers eat and play football, enjoying the hours of solace before the ships arrive and Kyi Min Daing bursts into life again.
All photos by Aung Naing Soe / Coconuts Yangon