Woman warns public of snake lurking in a toilet bowl at Upper Thomson area

Screengrab from video
Screengrab from video

Snakes making headlines in Singapore aren’t exactly a new thing, but nevertheless, it’s always freaky to find out someone’s spotted one of ’em hiding in an air-conditioning unit, or lurking in the bushes, or straight up battling it out with another of its kind.

So when one Facebook user’s father discovered that a snake had trespassed into his Upper Thomson office toilet for the second time in a week, he told her to put up the video to warn others. And she dutifully did, calling it a “danger noodle” invasion.

It’s nowhere near as terrifying (yet) as that incident in Thailand, where a 3.5m python emerged from the depths of a toilet bowl and sank its fangs into a man’s genitals, but still, it’s good to be aware of your surroundings.


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