Public revulsion continues to pour in even as Miss Universe Singapore defends controversial costume

CNA video screengrab
CNA video screengrab

Amidst the booming backlash and photoshopped mockery over Miss Universe Singapore’s gaudy Trump-Kim Summit-inspired costume, the person who actually has to wear the outfit on stage has responded to critics in defense of the dress.

23-year-old Zahra Khanum, who’ll be donning the costume for the actual Miss Universe competition next month, genuinely likes the dress. Speaking to Channel NewsAsia, she expressed her belief that the does represent Singapore in its best light.

“I think it’s a bigger picture than that. This is just a representation of what Singapore stands for, which is world peace, and the fact that Singapore is reaching out to other countries to create positive relationships,” she said to CNA. “Singapore has been doing that really well for the past few years, and is continuing to do that.”

“I know it does not entirely represent Singapore, as many would say, but I think it’s a good representation of what Singapore has been doing and will continue doing in the future.”

In regards to the city skyline imprinted on the dress (which we think is just a clumsy, uninspired portrayal of Singaporean elements), Zahra commented that its a colorful montage of local landscapes that represents “some sort of diversity”.

A CNA video provides a closer view of the dress and how it would look like when unfurled in full. Crystals are actually sewn onto the prints.

The aversion continues

Still, folks are unconvinced by her explanation. On Facebook, the criticism continues to pour forth in waves.

Petition for fashion

The scorn has gotten so bad that someone even started a petition to urge Miss Universe Singapore to end the “ridiculous representation”.

“Do not allow this Miss Universe Singapore national costume make a laughing stock of Singapore on an International stage. This costume is in no way tasteful, representative of peace or Singapore,” wrote San Galistan in the description of his campaign.

“Not to mention that the handshake of the two leaders, Trump and Kim Jong Un, is in a very inappropriate location. North Korea is also one of the most repressive authoritarian states in the world with the UN Security Council stating that North Korea’s shocking human rights violations are a threat to international peace and security.”

Pretty dramatic stuff. So far the petition has received over 323 signatures as of writing.


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