Caught on camera: Man wearing GrabFood shirt casually grabs towel outside HDB flat

Screengrab from video
Screengrab from video

Ever wondered where Grab got its name from? The company understandably never meant for its hires to sully its good name, but in light of what’s been happening recently, it seems its delivery men have, indeed, been grabbing things. Just not the right ones.

In a video that’s been circulating since it was uploaded on Facebook last night, a man donning a recognizably green GrabFood shirt is seen casually strolling down the corridor of an HDB block, looking around presumably to check for eyewitnesses. According to the clip’s time-stamp, the incident apparently occurred around 1:28am on Tuesday (July 2), but it’s unclear where it took place.

As he ambles up to a drying rack of clothes with what appears to be a toothbrush in his mouth, he glances around again, before nonchalantly grabbing a towel and walking back to where he came from — all without a care in the world.

The strange sight led many to poke fun at the dude for possibly forgetting his towel before a shower, although some noticed that the item could be a shirt or a pair of pants. Meanwhile, others speculated that perhaps even his GrabFood shirt could’ve been nicked from elsewhere.

Needless to say, netizens had a field day coming up with new Grab “services” and making puns with the company’s name.

In response to queries, a Grab spokesperson told Coconuts Singapore that “we are aware of this and are investigating the matter. Grab does not condone such behavior and will ban delivery-partners who are found guilty.”

Unfortunately for Grab, this marks the second time in less than a month that an individual seemingly associated with the company has stolen something. On June 20, a 27-year-old Grab deliveryman was also caught on video looting a pair of shoes from a flat at Keat Hong Close. The man was subsequently arrested on June 28, and Grab said it was cooperating with the authorities on the case.


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