When was the last time you cleaned your car mats? Chances are you could use a refresh

Photos: Trapo Singapore
Photos: Trapo Singapore

When it comes to taking care of our cars, we often focus on the exterior gloss and engine performance. But guys, there’s a spot in our rides that too commonly faces neglect  — the floor mats. Think about it for a sec and you’ll realize that your car mats are likely one of the dirtiest parts of your vehicle. 

Our shoes carry *all* the particles — dirt, dust, mud, and who knows what else. Every time we hop into the car, these unwelcome passengers hitch a ride on our shoes and find a new home on the floor mats. Over time, this accumulation can turn your once-fresh mats into a breeding ground for bacteria, allergens, and odors. And don’t get us started on how most mats out there are made up of toxic materials like PVC.

Neglecting your mat situation not only compromises the cleanliness of your vehicle (and your aesthetic) but also affects your overall driving experience – like having to deal with obnoxious allergens and odors (k thanx, bye!).

That’s why cleaning is essential. We recommend hitting your mats with a 1-2 punch of vacuuming to remove loose dirt and debris and a gentle scrub with mild soap and warm water for more stubborn stains. Consider investing in high-quality, durable mats that are designed to resist stains and retain their fresh appearance for longer periods (and better yet eco-friendly ones that won’t be breaking down, releasing toxins, and winding up in landfills!).

Never thought we could get turned on by car mats. Until now. Photo: Trapo Singapore

Fortunately, giving your car a refresh is easy and won’t break the bank thanks to Trapo, an automotive accessories brand that’s cleaning up cars and pimping them out (in a classy way, ofc) in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia. 

Centered on the goal of repurposing industrial waste into high quality, useful accessories for your car, Trapo has built its reputation on its flagship range of car mats, but they also have a comprehensive range of air purifiers, vacuums, handy car care products like powerful disinfectants, car wipers, and all sorts of other accessories in line with this ethos.

When we say their car mat offerings are comprehensive, we’re not being hyperbolic. Trapo has *hundreds* of different premium, anti-slip, easy-to-clean, durable car mats that you can order based on your car’s make, model, and year – with three different lines including classic, hex, and eco. You can take their quiz to figure out which model suits your needs best!

According to one study, the average Singaporean spends at least 30 minutes a day in their car. That’s a significant chunk of time, especially considering the potential health hazards lurking beneath your feet

Your car is a reflection of your personality and style, and every detail counts. Don’t neglect the dirtiest part of your vehicle — the floor mats. By adopting a regular cleaning routine and investing in quality mats, you can transform your driving experience, ensuring a fresh and hygienic interior – both for your enjoyment and that of your passengers! So, let’s give our car mats the attention they deserve and revitalize our rides for a cleaner, more enjoyable ride.

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