Vagina whitening, tightening procedures gaining popularity in Manila

Screengrab from TV5
Screengrab from TV5

Skin whitening has always been big in the Philippines but this new procedure shows how cosmetic medicine has hit a new, er, low.

Yesterday, TV5 featured a new medical procedure called “angel whitening,” which promises to whiten the vagina.

This is similar to a story that went viral earlier this month about a popular procedure in Thailand that whitens penises. It was later found to be ineffective and could cause possible infection.

Angel whitening is offered at the clinic of celebrity cosmetic surgeon Vicky Belo, makes use of laser technology, and takes about 30 minutes.

“This whitens and cleans the vagina of the woman,” said Dr. Givency Ang, a cosmetic surgeon who works at the clinic.

According to the report, the procedure is supposed to “whiten, tighten, relax and clean” the woman’s vagina.

Each session goes for about PHP50,000 (US$979) and only licensed doctors are allowed to do the procedure.

This isn’t the Belo Clinic’s first procedure for vaginas; it has been offering one called the FemiLift since 2014. According to the Philippine Daily Inquirer, that procedure takes about 10 minutes and tightens the vagina so that women, in Belo’s words, “feel like virgins again.”

“Before the fads were facelifts, then came armpit whitening, now we’re seeing women caring about how things look and feel even lower,” Belo told TV5.

Check out the TV report below.


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