Video for ‘Drop’ by Joe Flizzow ruffles feathers of YouTube’s sanctimonious comments section

Malaysia’s biggest rapper, Joe Flizzow, is about to take his latest track, Drop, international, and yet half of the YouTube comments regarding the video that accompanies the song are more focused on the offensiveness of a bikinied girl that co-stars in the clip.

While the rapper has apologized for causing any offense, and is open to criticism (2017: the comments section), he added that the girl in the video was not Malaysian herself, and was from Brazil. In Brazil, a bikini is not seen as a big deal, and some brazen women (hi, Mom!), will even wear it to the grocery store without much thought.

Flizzow told Harian Metro that the video was made for an international audience by his record label, and that while everyone is entitled to their point of view, he for one doesn’t read the comments section (for the best, really).

A quick perusal will find a mish-mash of fans congratulating the rapper, and then a slew of holier-than-thou opinions espousing the virtues of their own moral compass over a clip that doesn’t involve them. Hmm. OK – y’all got nothing else going on this week?

The rapper echoed that it seemed that people had a lot of time on their hands to direct their ire at a video, when there were other more concerning issues. Like the fact that 2.56% of the population can’t travel internationally because they haven’t paid back their student loans.

Apparently, no one gave the offended parties the memo, that like the endless episodes of NCIS: Everywhere USA* that won’t seem to go away on Astro, you actually don’t have to watch something that offends you. You can change the channel, or watch another video.

We know, crazy talk from us over here, yet somehow… everyone wins. Offended people won’t be offended, and video lives on for the enjoyment of everyone else on planet Earth that isn’t offended by a hot Brazilian girl in a bikini.

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*Sorry LL Cool J, but your Special Agent Sam Hanna on NCIS: Los Angeles can’t even carry Ice T as Detective Tutuola’s lunch to the set of Law & Order: SVU.

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