House in Bukit Puchong flies Nazi flags; entire neighbourhood goes “oh HELL no”

What would you do if the house three doors down from you pledges allegiance to the Third Reich? 

Yeah. We’d freak the hell out too. 

Residents in bandar Bukit Puchong thought they were being played for a laugh at first, but soon realised that one of their neighbours was actually flying a pair of Nazi German flags in front of his home. 

Proudly waving the (Nazi) German navy’s flags denoting the Kaiserliche Marine War Ensign and the German War Ensign, the home and its affiliation to historical genocide and general evil is unsurprisingly alarming the neighbourhood. 

The two flags, formerly used by the Nazi German Navy, flown outside the home

According to The Star Onlines T Avineshwaran, neighbours say the house’s tenant is a German graphic designer who has lived at the address for the past eight months. 

“He is a nice person and he recently raised these flags. I have been here for just a month,” said a resident who did not want to be identified, because you know, Heil Hydra and all that. 

“I do not know if he is a Nazi follower. You should ask him.”

Other residents didn’t think too much of the flags at first, and thought they added a certain je nais se quoi to the neighbourhood. 

“We thought both were decorative flags,” said another local who wished to remain anonymous. Clearly, these people are terrified of a blitzkrieg descending upon their homes. 

Eventually, The Star managed to get in touch with the tenant of the Fuhrer’s Malaysian summer home, who said in reference to the flags:

“It was just for fun. I do not want to further comment on this.”

Which is also what Hitler said about the annexation of Poland. We’re not sure, but it’s entirely possible.


Photo: The Star


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