Ali Aiman’s Overture EP is a stark, multilayered serving of all the feels

Ali Aiman might not be a household name in Malaysian music just yet, but he sounds like he should be.

The 26-year old Berklee College of Music grad returned home to KL after putting in work as Music Director at Boston’s Artbam Community Theatre and being signed on as a producer by Canada’s DJ Glen Morrison. Done with crafting behind the scenes, Ali is now aiming to push forth his own voice – literally.

The resulting Overture EP, his first, is a meticulously layered, deliberate and haunting trip into the mind of a fresh but utterly confident musician. It’s a good thing the songs meander into shape at their own pace, because even with the slow calculated crawl of the EP’s six tracks, Overture‘s trip into innocent melancholy ends way too soon.

The Overture EP by Ali Aiman is now available for purchase on iTunes and Bandcamp, and can be streamed on Spotify, Deezer, and Tonton Music.

To get a taste of Overture‘s lush sound, check out the equally languid and beautiful music video for its lead single ‘Breathe’, directed by Mahen Bala:



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