Video of what happened before Pattaya man punched Aussie emerges (VIDEO)

A dashcam video shows Gerard Collins, 72,  retrieving what appears to be a machete from the back of his car before running over to confront Sumet Roongrattanapan, 28, after their cars collided. Screenshot: Pattaya Eastern News
A dashcam video shows Gerard Collins, 72, retrieving what appears to be a machete from the back of his car before running over to confront Sumet Roongrattanapan, 28, after their cars collided. Screenshot: Pattaya Eastern News

A new video of what went down before a Thai man coldcocked a 72-year-old Australian expat in front of his 8-year-old daughter has emerged, and it definitely adds some weight to his claims of having been attacked.

A dashcam video shared by Pattaya Eastern News shows the expat, identified as Gerard Collins, retrieving what appears to be a machete from the back of his car and running over to confront Sumet Roongrattanapan, 28, after their cars collided.

Unfortunately, a chunk of the footage after Collins runs toward Sumet is blocked by his car, so it’s not possible to say definitively whether he was slashed by the older man’s blade as claimed in the earlier video, in which he shows what appeared to be cuts on his arm as evidence.

READ: Thai man punches Aussie in front of his daughter, accuses expat of trying to ‘kill him’

While no video of an actual attack with the machete has yet emerged, once Collins gets back into his car, he can clearly be seen crashing his Nissan into Sumet, who was standing in front of the vehicle, sending him flying into the air. The Thai man, somehow, almost unbelievably, landed on his feet. 

Apparently unharmed by his encounter with the car, Sumet proceeded to kick the Aussie’s Nissan as it was being driven away before then getting back into his own car and following Collins to the Aksorn Suksa School.

It was there where he knocked the Aussie out with a vicious punch to the face as the Thai police officer taking the older man’s statement simply watches.

Police are now investigating.


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