Thanathorn indicted for royal insult for questioning royally produced vaccine

A top opposition figure was indicted today for insulting the monarchy and computer crimes over a year after he discussed a royally produced COVID-19 vaccine. 

Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, former leader of now-disbanded Future Forward Party, will be tried for defaming the monarchy in a January 2020 discussion questioning plans to consolidate vaccine production under an untested, royally owned facility in a livestream titled Royal Vaccine: Who Benefits and Who Doesn’t? 

Thanathorn was awaiting release on bail as of publication time, according to lawyer Krisadang Nujaras.

Thanathorn at the time questioned the deal struck for Siam Bioscience to produce Thailand’s supply of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Siam Bioscience is owned by the Crown Property Bureau, ownership of which was transferred in 2018 to the king.

The former politician, who was booted from politics in the run-up to the 2019 election and later banned for 10 years, noted that the government channeled billions in taxpayer money to a single, private company.

“Why did you choose Siam Bioscience as the vaccine producer? Are they trying to do favors for somebody?” Thanathorn said in the livestream. “Is this to build political popularity or to really care for Thai people?

The charges were filed against Thanathorn by former digital economy minister Puttipong Punnakanta in January 2021.

Since then, Thanathorn has played a low-key role backing candidates in upcoming local elections, publishing a book on his political career and promoting various causes such as marriage equality and liquor law reform.


Thanathorn to be charged with insulting monarchy: minister

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