RIP Nong Nat and Harold? Ex-porn star plans boob job and new movies, claims marriage over

Ex-porn phenom Nong Nat, who quit the biz and claimed to find religion when she married much-older American millionaire Harold, has held a press conference to announce that her marriage is on the rocks.

She said that she is going back to the dirty movie biz to support herself and her first step on that path will be a stop at the plastic surgeons — to upgrade her melons so that they look perfect on camera! Her surgery will happen on March 14 and when will the public first see her perky new assets? No details are available yet.

She recently added a sexy shower vignette to her Facebook page. Though some of her regular followers criticized her for going back to her old ways, she did pump up her total number of followers with the scintillating clip.   

During an interview with Channel 8 yesterday, she revealed that the clip was part of a publicity deal with a magazine and that she can’t wait to get back to making sexy movies, which she loves.  She claimed that her new works will stay in the soft-core category however.

Though Nat and Harold only wed last year, it seemed that their relationship had changed Nong Nat’s life, Thairath reported. Her husband even supplied her with a five-star lifestyle and monthly payments. She was so pleased that she often thanked karma for her gifts and made merit for having such a kind husband. She even spend much of her time praying when he became ill last year.  

We’re not quite sure why things may be ending between the star-crossed lovers but, in the past, Nat did mention considering divorcing Harold for fear of killing him from a heart attack during sex. Whether or not that is the reason for the split, Nat has removed many pictures of her husband from her Instagram account.

According to the former adult star, she has asked Harold for a divorce but, so far, he has refused.


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