‘Nong Nat’ says she thought about divorcing Harold for fear she might give him heart attack during sex

Former porn legend “Nong Nat” reveals there were years when she thought about divorcing her elderly millionaire husband because it was hard being in a long-distance relationship and for fear that she might give him a heart attack during sex.

Kejsarin “Nong Nat” Chaichalermphol, 31, used to be every Thai men’s fantasy back in the 2000s, but earlier this year, she shocked Thailand (and British tabloids) when she revealed that she gotten married to American businessman Harold Nesland Jr.

In a recent interview clip with Khaosod, which has gone viral today, the former adult star revealed that their marriage wasn’t always a bed of roses. In the first two years, she attempted to divorce Harold more than once because they only saw each other once a month due to Harold’s business abroad.

“I felt like I wanted to be alone. I didn’t want to take care of anyone. We only saw each other once a month, so I thought it just didn’t work, and I had a lot of men that liked me,” Nat said.

“I wasn’t dating anyone else the first time I tried to divorce him, but the second and third time, I admitted to him I had other men, but he wouldn’t divorce me. He said as long as I couldn’t find anyone better than him, he wouldn’t go anywhere.”

Awwwwww. True love conquers all affairs.

Another reason was that she actually feared for her senior suitor’s life. Nong Nat admitted that she was scared of giving her husband a heart attack during sex.

“In the first few years of our marriage, we had sex but not often because we’re not together because of sex. He had to take pills for his heart condition. I was so scared like, ‘Is he gonna die?’”

But now, five years into their blessed union, the couple seems happier than ever. Nong Nat also reveals that she’s waiting for a marriage visa to move to the U.S. and complete her bachelor’s degree in business management.

So will we get to see Nong Nat in sexy calendars or videos before she moves to the U.S.? It seems she has left her life as a sexy star behind.

“I’m too old to do that now, and my husband doesn’t let me go hungry. He’d prefer if I helped him with his business,” she said.




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