Pets now allowed to pick furniture with you at select IKEA stores

File this under “services you didn’t know you need,” again. If you always felt forlorn you couldn’t bring your furry friends to IKEA, and we don’t know why you would, well now you can, starting Tuesday.

Days after movie theater operator Major Group announced that you could take your tiny furballs to select cinemas in Bangkok, IKEA announced via their social media channels that you can take your chonky cats and delightful doggos to shop at a few of their stores in Thailand – IKEA Bangna, IKEA Bangyai, and IKEA Phuket.

The pets should weigh no more than 15kg, be kept in a zipped stroller and be under supervision by their owners at all times. That means they aren’t allowed to run around the store. Should they end up destroying that expensive knitted Sandared pouffe (footstool), then the owner will cover the costs.

Pets are also not allowed to enter the food hub areas including the market, bistro, and cafe.

IKEA also noted that their staff aren’t equipped for pet sitting services either, so if supervising your pet at the store seems like it’ll be too challenging your companion should probably stay home.

It looks like shopping for furniture has just gotten a lil bit hairer (and noisier), much to the chagrin of non-pet owners, probably.


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