Game Over: Two million Thai youths at risk of ‘gaming disorder,’ says Health Ministry

Photo: Teirra Kamolvattanavith/ Coconuts Media
Photo: Teirra Kamolvattanavith/ Coconuts Media

More than two million Thai youths are at risk of gaming addiction, the Ministry of Public health revealed yesterday, as they asked parents to limit their children’s game play to a maximum of two hours a day.

Public Health Minister Dr. Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn said at the opening of the ceremony for this year’s National Mental Health Week that the World Health Organization (WHO) announced their plan to add “gaming disorder” to the global list of medical conditions earlier this year.

The disorder is defined by the latest International Classification of Diseases as a pattern of gaming behavior characterized by impaired control over gaming, prioritizing gaming over other activities to the extent where it takes precedence, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite negative consequences.

Basically, a description of our relationship with Guitar Hero circa 2009.

Much like drug addiction, those with the disorder gradually increase their daily gameplay until they can’t bear to go a day without it, explained Dr. Piyasakol.

“Hundreds of thousands of Thais already have the disorder,” he said, adding that the majority of citizens don’t know how to protect themselves from addiction, reported Manager.

The ministry is now teaming up with 84 organizations to take measures in controlling this growing epidemic.

Piyasakol stated that this initiative is designed to raise public awareness regarding what constitutes an appropriate amount of gaming and to establish a system that monitors those affected.

Parents are encouraged to limit each child’s game play to two hours per day, help children select games that can be constructive or educational, and even play the games with them as a bonding exercies.

In this age where parents are as addicted to their screens as their children, Piyasakol added adults must set a good example for their children by playing only at appropriate times and locations.

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