Ex-porn star Nat divorcing aging American husband, already recruiting new boyfriend

Former porn star Nat Kejsarin, who rocked Thailand’s erotic film industry in the 2000s, has announced that she’s divorcing her elderly American husband of five years.

To the shock of fans (but perhaps not all Coconuts editors) who have been following the love story of Nat, 33, and Harold Nesland, reportedly in his 70s, the sexy star said in a Facebook post that her love for a man her father’s age “was not a passionate love.”

In an interview with Thairath published yesterday, Nat said that the pair had been separated for over a year before making the decision, but not that seeing each other would have helped — her heart just wasn’t there.

“We talked occasionally, but as acquaintances or friends. Even if we had lived together, we wouldn’t have expressed affection the way lovers would. It just wasn’t a passionate love. It was a love that a young person had for a senior. So he let me go to find someone that I love and is more suitable.”

Age-appropriate, you mean? We would believe so, considering that Nat previously said she was scared of giving Harold a heart attack during sex.

“I don’t want to torture him anymore. He’s so old. He needs someone who can take care of him at all times. We live in different places. Our lifestyles are different.”

Once again, Nat confirmed her marriage to Harold wasn’t about the money. Although Harold gave her a salary to be his wife, she “asked for a decrease” over the years when she found out that his personal expenses grew.

“He took care of my expenses. But he also had a lot of expenses of his own, so I asked for a decrease of my salary. I don’t expect him to support me. Otherwise, I would have held on to that marriage certificate.”

After all, Nat is done. Nat is over Harold.

“After the divorce. I don’t want him to waste any time if he meets someone new. He asked me if we could be friends… he’s like a sincere farang. He holds on to our history, but I don’t hold on to him at all.”


Actually, Nat already posted on Instagram looking for a new boyfriend. Although she claimed that she was just making a joke, this post could have probably triggered some millionaires out there to dig deep into their pockets.

She posted last night: “I’m single, looking to date. Documents you need to submit: 1) A headshot and a full-length photo 2) Bank statement dated back 5 years to prove your financial stability 3) Divorce papers if you’ve been married 4) Proof of your nationality: Are you Thai or farang?”

Yes, true love can be yours. Just as soon as you turn over that bank statement.


Nong Nat reveals older American husband Harold didn’t know he married a porn star


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