Asian countries top new list of favorite vacation destinations for Muslim millennials

A recent report on the travel habits and preferences of Muslim millennials shows that several Asian nations are their favorite destinations.

The new Master Card-Halal Trip Muslim Millennial Travel Report, shows Thailand as the fourth most popular destination for millennial Muslims. Malaysia was their top choice, followed by Indonesia, and Japan.

Being named to the top ten may be a reflection of Thailand and the Tourism Authority of Thailand’s push to develop the country as attractive to Muslim travelers. The reason for this push is that young Muslims are spending more on travel than ever before. They are slated to be spending US$100 billion per year by 2025.

Though these travelers are looking for “exotic experiences and far-flung destinations,” the report also stated that they are searching for, what they’ve dubbed, the “three A’s: authentic, affordable and accessible.” Of specific interest to this group of leisure-seekers is the availability of halal food in their chosen destination, and safety for female travelers.

Here is the list of the top 10 travel destinations for young Muslims according to the report:

  1. Malaysia
  2. Indonesia
  3. Japan
  4. Thailand
  5. Australia
  6. Singapore
  7. United Arab Emirates
  8. United Kingdom
  9. United States
  10. India

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