‘C U SOON’, ‘HANDSOME’, and ‘WH1SPERS’ license plates up for auction this Saturday

One of the eccentricities of Hong Kong society is our obsession with vanity plates, and our willingness to pay large wads of cash to have the honour of having “CAND1ES” or “DUCK 2” emblazoned across the front and backs of our cars.

This Saturday, 106 personalised license plates (including the two just mentioned if they struck your fancy) will be put up for auction by the Transport Department. 

(The government always makes sure that everyone – with at least HKD5,000 – has a fair chance at any wacky license plate idea submitted.)

Some of our favourite include “TOMAHAWK”, “CLOUDY”, “WH1SPERS” and “ATLANT1S”.

For the vain we have “HANDSOME”, “BABECARL”, and “TREASURE”. And for those who shun anonymity, there are also names like “LAUREN”, “KATHY” or “ROXY LEE”.

But remember: you should always just “BEURSELF”. And if that means you’re just another “HKDR1VER” on the road, then so be it. 

Some people don’t seem to realise that they have to specify how they want the letters to be split up into two lines, however.

“NEWDREAMS” has become “NEWD REAMS”, for example, bringing a new unintended but admittedly colourful meaning to the license plate.

So those of you who want to rule out the possibility of ever using your ride as a getaway car, get bidding this Saturday! 

Click here for the full list of license plates. 

Photo: Christian Junker via Flickr

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