Yishun housebreakers jailed for stealing over $28k worth of valuables from flats

Two young housebreakers got the book thrown at them for breaking into HDB flats in Yishun, looting $28,500 worth of valuables from the houses. 

25-year-old Yeo Pei Zhuang got nine months in jail while his accomplice, 22-year-old Goh Choon Wee, received the heavier punishment of two years imprisonment. The case against a third alleged accomplice is pending, The Straits Times reports.

Their loot? Four watches, $50 in cash, a branded handbag, medication, a thumbdrive, mobile phones, and a camera. Among the stuff stolen includes a $13,000 Panarai chronograph watch, a $3,000 Louis Vuitton handbag. 

The trio hit flats along Yishun in December last year, entering units through unlocked common corridor windows. 

They were only caught on Dec 29 last year when a taxi driver spotted the trio loitering along the common corridor of Block 625 along Yishun Street 61. Stupidly enough, they were seen going door to door trying to open windows of the units. Police were called in and promptly arrested the trio. 

Both Yeo and Goh have made restitution of $3,428 each. 


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