Xiaxue goes on Donald Trump subreddit to express her love for Making America Great Again

Photo: Xiaxue / Reddit
Photo: Xiaxue / Reddit

OG Singaporean blogger/influencer Xiaxue has been on a rampage against Social Justice Warriors and political correctness of recent days, and her latest act of defiance probably needs a trigger warning: She’s been expressing her love for Donald Trump on infamous Reddit section, the_donald.

Here’s Xiaxue going full MAGA mode:

Xiaxue donald trump
Photo: Xiaxue / Reddit

“I’m coming out of the closet. Everywhere I go people discriminate me for my orientation, but love is love! ❤️  I heard this place is the most accepting for people like me. Is it true? MAGA!!! #womenfortrump #asiansfortrump #pinkhairedradicalfeministlookingwomenfortrump,” she wrote as a caption.

It’s unclear if she’s trolling Trump supporters (who aren’t exactly known for their love for non-‘muricans) or if her political inclinations lean towards The Donald’s demagogic principles — but even if she is the latter, no judgement here man, you do you. Redditors believe she’s legit though, especially since her Twitter profile pic’s showing off her mug of Liberal Tears.

Xiaxue twitter
Photo: @xiaxue / Twitter

She explains why she went on the subreddit to reveal her hidden support for Trump:

“Probably because the post is more about myself than The God Emperor… seriously though I’m from singapore and I finally got my MAGA hat. I was so excited I took a picture, only to realize I have nowhere to post it to.

Most Singaporeans only hear msm (mainstream media) reports on Trump and think he is hitler. If I post it on fb or instagram I’ll get into fights with friends, or risk losing jobs. It is really more dangerous to come out of the closet as a trump supporter than a homosexual these days, at least gays have laws protecting them! So yup I ended up posting the picture here. Still downvoted understandably, but yay at least I came out of the closet somewhere!”

For the most part at least, the community was welcoming to the pink-haired blogger.


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