WATCH: A Singaporean couple’s non-typical love story will make you want to travel the world

Photo: Video screengrab
Photo: Video screengrab

Singaporeans Lester Lee and Charmaine Goh first met in school and years after they got together, decided to settle down with the purchase of an HDB Build-To-Order (BTO) flat in Bidadari.

A typical Singaporean love story? Not quite. According to an impressively video charting their years together, their untypical love story was filled with adventures across the globe — enough to make any local couple envious. It helps that the both of them have substantial experience in creative design and marketing to craft a pretty amazing pre-wedding clip.

Some things they experienced together:

  • Travel on a budget and couch surfed everywhere
  • Saw the Grand Canyon
  • Hitchhiked across a desert in the back of a truck
  • Skydived
  • Trekked in New Zealand
  • Ran (and survived) the Pyongyang Marathon
  • Did a calorie burn camp at The Great Wall of China
  • Took classy wedding photos in Beijing
  • Designed their own invitation cards
  • Got their friend to design and make a wedding dress for the bride
  • Hammered out their own wedding rings
  • Managed to get a BTO flat in Bidadari (no mean feat)

Feel the wanderlust below:


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