WATCH: The life of Sang Nila Utama and the founding of Singapura explained in 4 minutes

How many of us remember the legend of Sang Nila Utama, the man who was (supposedly) the original source of the name “Singapura”? 

In all honesty, most of us (sans the experts of various historical and archeological fields) would agree that everything we know about him is superficial information gleaned from children’s textbooks in school. 

Here’s a video that adds a lot more depth to what we already know about the man who was said to have renamed Temasek to Singapura. Produced by The Merlion Press, Founding Temasek chronicles (at a glance) the life of Sang Nila Utama from his birth all the way to his death, with details that history textbooks have neglected to mention.

Get ready to be schooled once again with this four-minute feature short.


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