Tragic SPCA rescue attempt is the second time in 2018 a cat was found stranded on the block’s ledge

Photo: Siau Li Chao / Facebook
Photo: Siau Li Chao / Facebook

A rescue attempt to extricate a cat that was trapped on a narrow ledge of an HDB block in Jurong went awry on Sunday morning. After panicking and struggling out of a net while being lifted up by a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) officer, the cat fell 11 stories to its death.

Surprisingly, it was not the first time a cat got stranded on a narrow ledge of the very same block.

The most recent incident unfolded around 6:30am at Block 733 Jurong West Street 73 on Sunday, with a man managing to capture the unfortunate rescue attempt and uploaded in on Twitter. Due to the highly distressing nature of the clip, we will not be embedding the video nor provide a link to it.

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Video screengrabs

At first, the cat was successfully bagged in the rescue net, but just as the officer was about to pull it into the corridor, the cat flailed out. It fell and hit the ground with a loud crack.

The cat appeared to have survived as the footage ended with it still moving about. In response to media queries however, the SPCA confirmed that the cat died minutes later before it could be sent for veterinary treatment.

In a statement, SPCA noted their deep regret over the loss of the cat’s life, adding that the outcome was distressing to the animal rescue officer and the witnesses present at the scene. A review of the case will be carried out.

Not the first time

According to Facebook user Siau Li Chao however, the incident on Sunday morning is not the first time a cat was found perching on a narrow ledge of the very same block. On June 12, there had been another stranded cat, but it was found on the 14th floor instead. Fortunately, the rescue attempt for that cat ended in success, she said.


Photo: Siau Li Chao / Facebook
Photo: Siau Li Chao / Facebook

Siau is now calling out to anyone with relevant information or clues about roaming cats have ended up on the block’s ledges. Two possible theories: Either someone has been intentionally tossing the cats out from corridors onto the ledges or the design of the block makes it easy for felines to end up there. Either way, it should scare cat owners not to let their pets roam free outside houses.


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