Enjoy the lovely walks outside in your chic layered outfits while you still can, ladies and gents, for Singapore’s chilly days are numbered. Prepare to progressively sweat once again as temperatures are forecasted to rise up to about 24°C over the next couple of days.
As much as we’d love to have this weather all year long, the weakening monsoon surge has something else in mind. An update by the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) yesterday noted that the rainy weather across the island has eased with a gradual weakening of the monsoon surge in the South China Sea. Say goodbye to the lows of 21.2°C (recorded yesterday morning in Admiralty and Jurong West) — MSS expects the lowest temperatures to range between 23°C and 24°C for the next few days.
In fact, some parts of the island are already seeing temperatures hitting over 25°C as of this morning. Sad!

Last week, eastern parts of the country were battered by intense flash floods that caused murky waters to swamp several roads. The monsoon winds have also brought cool air from the winter chill in the northern hemisphere, leading some folks to really layer up, like this vulnerable individual below: