The jig is up: Japanese food joint Sushiro Singapore confessed to The Straits Times that the ebulliently verbose descriptions of its food on social media is intentionally comedic.
The restaurant informed ST that the needlessly flowery Facebook posts were crafted by one of its chefs — a lark that started during a staff game of reverse Pictionary. The game involved one team using tricky vocabulary to describe dishes so that the opposing team wouldn’t be able to guess it.
One of the chefs was so good at the game that it became an in-joke among employees that the should start taking over social media posting. And he did so in March when the first post he crafted contained a mere fraction of its current orotund used to describe a chirashi bowl.
Love it or hate it, the grandiloquent language used in the posts managed to attract serious attention online — a marketing win, all in all.

While the joke is whooshing over some people’s heads, we’ll never get sick of reading the brilliantly poetic nonsense describing Sushiro Singapore’s dishes. Just, uh, don’t let the staff talk like that too.