Smoky veggie: Singapore woman finds cigarette butt in produce

A local woman, Camilla Oon, recently embarked on a culinary adventure when she purchased a seemingly innocent packet of Xio Bai Cai vegetables from a Giant outlet in Singapore. 

Little did she know, her leafy greens were harboring an unexpected companion – a stray cigarette butt nestled among the verdant folds.

Camilla took to the Complain Singapore Facebook page to share her unusual find, sparking a flurry of responses from netizens. 

While some offered practical advice like the timeless wisdom, “That’s why you need to wash your vege before cook,” others took a more light-hearted approach.

One suggested a regulatory route, urging, “OMG… should send to Singapore Food Agency.” 

Meanwhile, one user seemed to find a silver lining in the situation, humorously quipping, “Smoky flavor.”

“Ask Giant to check w supplier farmer… Looks more like the cigarette buds were trapped inside during farming as bud head don’t look like the common type,” said another.

There’s certainly been a few complaints recently in Singapore related to nasty things finding their way onto food. Earlier this week, a local woman’s post went viral, detailing how she had found a cockroach in her McDonald’s meal.


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