Singaporean woman filmed in school shower wants stricter punishments from university after Peeping Tom only given a semester suspension

Singaporean undergrad Monica Baey is speaking up about the sexual harrassment she faced in campus and her grouses about the lack of severe punishment given to her perpetrator. (Photo: @monicabaey/Instagram)
Singaporean undergrad Monica Baey is speaking up about the sexual harrassment she faced in campus and her grouses about the lack of severe punishment given to her perpetrator. (Photo: @monicabaey/Instagram)

A Singaporean undergraduate campaigned for her university to mete out harsher punishments for Peeping Toms after a man who filmed her in the school shower was reportedly suspended from a semester and banned from visiting campus halls but was still allowed to roam around campus.

The incident

Monica Baey, a third-year communications major in National University of Singapore (NUS), lived in the Eusoff Hall on campus last November and was taking a shower when the perv in question proceeded to film her showering.

As soon as she realized what was going on, the man dashed out of the toilet with his phone, reported the South China Morning Post.

After reporting the matter to the police, they reportedly gave the perv a 12-month conditional stern warning which means that he is discharged without being acquitted of the offense but can be prosecuted if he commits the same crime during this time period.

This is despite CCTV footage provided by the university showing that the offender was entering multiple toilets to find women to film, according to Monica.

The university suspended the offender for one semester and banned him from entering campus halls. However, the effects of those measures were flimsy according to a Mothership report as Monica said he was still allowed to visit the campus.

She is now on an exchange semester in Taiwan but that did not stop her from posting a series of scathing Instagram Stories on her account on Friday detailing the trauma she faced since the incident happened.

The apology letter

Most of it centered around an apology letter that the offender had to write, which was emailed to her on February by NUS associate director for student conduct Esther Tan.

The apology letter in question. (Photo: @monicabaey / Instagram)
The apology letter in question. Monica’s response: “Yup. Ok. I feel so much better, thank you.” (Photo: @monicabaey / Instagram)

“I am glad that filming me showering has taught you an invaluable lesson and made you a better person,” Monica wrote sarcastically in response to the offender’s letter. “Thanks NUS, this really helped.”

She further addressed the offender on her Instagram Stories: “When will I f**king get the justice I deserve for what you did to me? You get to live your life like nothing ever happened and I’m the one suffering in fear of going (to the) toilet alone and having flashbacks of your f**king deed.”

What she is asking for

Monica is asking for NUS to implement two things, in a series of Instagram Stories she shared on Saturday:

  1. Implement clearer campus policies to protect students against sexual misconduct, including stricter punishments, more visibility on how cases have been handled, education for students on sexual harassment and respectful relationships, and an official sexual crime code of conduct
  2. Better support for victims of sexual harassment in NUS, including setting up a one-stop office providing free services for sexual misconduct victims such as befrienders who are professionally trained to provide information and support at hospitals, police stations and courts

She noted that such victim support is provided at women’s group AWARE Singapore’s Sexual Assault Care Centre.

Her posts have gotten support from numerous individuals who have stepped forward to share their stories, lend their voice and email the university administration to demand better protections for sexual misconduct victims.


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CW: sexual harassment, shit response by authorities – I support Monica Baey. This is fucking bullshit, and I am so angry that this kind of thing keeps happening and the perpetrators keep getting away with it. Thank you @monicabaey for your strength in speaking out. Thank you for speaking for those of us who can’t. Thank you for your vulnerability and advocacy. Thank you thank you thank you. You inspire me so much and I want to give you all the support I can!! We are behind you and we will demand justice and make those institutional changes happen!!!! – Please check out her insta stories – I’ve included a few screenshots but you should see the whole thing. (First screenshot is from a TOC article) – #monicabaey #nus #solidarity #support #love #community #justice #resistance #change #feminism #sexism #patriarchy #gender #singapore #metoo

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