Singapore soars in peacefulness, ranking 6th in the world

Photo by Brian Jeffery/CC BY 2.0 DEED
Photo by Brian Jeffery/CC BY 2.0 DEED

Ah, yes, another feather in Singapore’s meticulously preened cap. According to the esteemed Global Peace Index (GPI) 2023, our little red dot has clambered its way up to the prestigious sixth spot in the global peace rankings. That’s a significant bump from last year’s ninth-place finish, proving that our unwavering commitment to, uh, maintaining order is definitely paying off.

The top 10 also included Iceland, Denmark, Japan, Ireland, New Zealand and several others. 

This fancy-pants index takes the pulse of peacefulness in a whopping 163 countries, representing a staggering 99.7 percent of the world’s population. 

It meticulously dissects each nation’s serenity based on three key factors: societal safety and security, domestic and international conflict levels, and, of course, the extent of militarization (because who needs tanks when you have, say, a highly efficient public transport system, right?).

Sadly, the global trend isn’t exactly sunshine and rainbows. 

The average level of peacefulness dipped by 0.42 percent, marking the ninth consecutive year of a collective sigh of disappointment. While 84 countries managed to eke out some peace gains, 79 others, bless their conflicted hearts, took a step back.

Zooming in on our neck of the woods, Asia-Pacific, things look a tad brighter. 

The region nudged up its peacefulness score by 0.32 percent, thanks to improvements in both safety and security (fewer angry mobs, more vigilant neighborhood watch aunties) and a general chill-out on the militarization front.

Now, before we get all smug and self-congratulatory about our stellar ranking, let’s not forget the elephant in the room (or should we say, the omnipresent surveillance camera?). While our strict government and “fine-happy” culture might contribute to the low crime rates and orderly streets, it’s also worth pondering whether true peace can exist under such… micromanagement. 

Perhaps a touch more personal liberty and a dash less Big Brother could be the secret ingredient to unlocking true inner zen, Singapore-style.


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