Singapore crime rate up 7 percent as scams, molestation cases rise

File photo of handcuffs. (Photo: Luctheo/Pixabay)
File photo of handcuffs. (Photo: Luctheo/Pixabay)

Singapore’s crime rate is up 7 percent for the first half of the year, with a weirdly big jump in mall molestation cases among the drivers.

According to statistics revealed by police today, there were 16,745 reported crimes in the first six months of the year versus 15,649 over the same period in 2018.

The increase is mainly down to a huge spike in the number of scam cases in Singapore, which went up by a whopping 40 percent, with 3,591 cases.

The biggest jumps were among those related to loans (120 percent), followed by sexual favors (118 percent), online shopping (42 percent) and online romance (6 percent). (Editor: “Sexual favors” being a scam in the sense that people paid for ones they didn’t end up receiving.)

Police said that the total amount of money reported scammed in the first six months of the year hit S$83.1 million (about US$60 million), about S$24 million more than last year.

Meanwhile, cases involving perverts in Singapore remain a big concern.

Police said they recorded a 31.4 percent increase in “outrage of modesty” cases occurring at shopping malls, with 67 cases in the first half of this year. Sadly, no explanation was given for that eye-opening jump in such a hyper specific location.

The number of molestation cases happening on public transportation remains high, even though it dipped by 9.8 percent, with 119 reported cases in the first half of this year as compared to 132 for the same period last year.

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