Sherilyn Lim: I gave Ann my walkout T-shirt as a sign of respect

Local 23-year-old female mixed martial arts fighter Sherilyn Lim’s post-fight thoughts, immediately after her triumphant professional debut against Malaysian Ann Osman at the recent ONE FC 11: Total Domination.

I can hardly remember what I was thinking during the fight. It didn’t boil down any specific techniques that I am glad I trained for, building up to this fight. Rather, every single thing I learnt and practised during training came together in the cage — it all has to come naturally when you are beside yourself.

I had to keep calm even when she (Ann Osman) was on top of me. Fortunately, she did not do much damage while I was mounted by her, and her elbows did not land.

When I was pinned down, I knew that I had to watch what she was doing and when her punches were coming. If I didn’t, one punch could have easily knocked me out.

I’m not sure what I was thinking about when we were awaiting the final judge’s decision, but I recall being elated when I heard them awarding the win to ‘the red corner’ (where Sherilyn fought out of).

Spending time with my family right after the fight was emotional, but a good kind of emotional. They always say that they are proud of me. Like all families, they are, of course, afraid for me, but I try to explain to them and also to outsiders of mixed martial arts that this sport is not all blood and brawl. That we have officials who are trained professionals in preventing grievous injury and fights from going out of hand.

I spoke to Ann after our fight and gave her my walkout T-shirt as a sign of respect.

I’m definitely happy and definitely thankful; thankful for all that my coaches and teammates did for me. Towards the gym, I feel that my teammates deserve a lot of my appreciation. They are like my family. All the memories of times when they asked if I needed help are all vividly surging back.

I’m not going to credit it all to luck that I won. I wish I could tell you what it was I did that helped me win, but I can hardly recall any of the fight right now. It all feels like a flash. Let me watch the fight replay first!

Photo: Andre Frois


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