Shared bike users will soon be required to scan QR codes at parking spaces to end their trip properly

Photo: Joel Fu / Love Cycling SG Facebook page
Photo: Joel Fu / Love Cycling SG Facebook page

In a new effort to clean up the country of shared bicycles being ditched indiscriminately (including inside ditches), the Land Transport Authority (LTA) will be implementing a bike parking system that utilizes QR codes.

The Park it Right initiative will be deployed in stages starting January 2019, when users of shared bikes will have to park the two-wheelers in a designated parking zone. There, users will be prompted to scan a QR code to indicate that the trip has ended successfully. Users who fail to do so will incur an additional $5 fee, while repeat offenders will receive a one-month ban from using any bike-sharing service, with the ban period increasing with every subsequent ban.

From the end of September onwards, LTA will begin installing the QR codes progressively at public bicycle parking spaces and a campaign will be launched next month to educate users on how to end their trips with QR codes.

LTA newsroom
LTA newsroom

According to LTA, they plan to expand bicycle parking capacity across the island to 267,000 parking lots by 2020, with the aim to get these parking spots available within a short walking distance of households and destinations such as school, town centers, and polyclinics.

Aside from the increased accessibility of bike parking spots this year, LTA also pointed out that they will “right-size” the shared bicycle fleet in the country to manage indiscriminate parking.

Still, no word if we’re ever getting our oBike deposits though.


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