Sexual assault cases rise 514% in Singapore’s nightlife establishments

People in a red-lit room. Photo: Unsplash
People in a red-lit room. Photo: Unsplash

The loosening of pandemic restrictions led to a major increase in the number of reported sexual assault cases at nightlife venues last year, according to the police’s latest crime statistics.

In an annual report released by the Singapore Police Force yesterday, the reported number of molestation aka outrage of modesty cases at nightspots jumped 514% from 21 in 2021 to 129 last year.

This was mostly due to nightlife establishments being given the green light to fully resume their activities last April.

There was a total of 1,610 reported outrage of modesty cases in all of Singapore last year, a 9% increase from 2021 (1,474).

This was almost the same figure as in 2019 (1,605) before the pandemic.

More than half (58%) of the 1,610 cases involved perpetrators known to the victims.

Last month, the police force revived its “smart clubbing” campaign to keep party-goers by asking them to adhere to safe clubbing practices as well as to getting clubs to improve their surveillance capabilities to keep sleazy folks in check. 

This came after they noticed an increase in reports of sexual assault cases and fights at nightlife venues. 

The police urged victims to report any such incidents as soon as possible so they can apprehend the perpetrators.

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