First, his wife and mother-in-law were charged last month for the murder of the family’s maid. Now 37-year-old Staff Sergeant Kevin Chelvam is facing four counts of charges in court. These include removing CCTV cameras from his Bishan flat to get rid of evidence and lying about it to a police officer, as well as physically assaulting the victim, 24-year-old Myanmar national Piang Ngaih Don, multiple times before she died.
The father of two reportedly whacked her on the shoulder with a toy bat in one incident, and lifted her off the ground by clutching her hair in another. The maid’s body was bruised and found lifeless in the flat by the police.
According to the Singapore Police Force, Chelvam has been suspended since Monday. He is out on bail and will appear in court again on September 8.
Meanwhile, the two women also appeared in court yesterday and received orders to be remanded at Changi Medical Centre for psychiatric evaluation. They will next appear in court on September 1. If convicted, they face the death penalty or life imprisonment.