Police drop case against Calvin Cheng’s controversial remarks on killing children

After thorough investigations over Calvin Cheng’s controversial remarks last year that seemed to advocate the killing of children (because their parents are terrorists), police have decided to drop the case against him. 

One can see why his comments were considered particularly contentious. Here was a member of the Media Literacy Council — dedicated to promoting respect and responsibility on the Internet — who called for the murder of terrorists’ children “in case they grow up to take revenge”. 

Photo: Kirsten Han Facebook page

Despite public backlash (and multiple police reports lodged against him), Cheng remained headstrong in the defence of his comments, clarifying that they were taken out of context. He later gave a semi-apology over his remarks, seeming more sorry for allowing himself to be attacked “by people waiting for the opportunity to do me in”. MLC’s action was similarly seen as light-handed as they found no fault in the comments made by Cheng, and he remains on board with them.

“After careful considerations of the facts and circumstances of the case and in consultation with the Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Police have decided not to take further action against you,” wrote the police in a letter Cheng received. “All investigations and enquiries into the matter would cease and the case will be closed.”

On his side, Cheng isn’t done with his haters. Calling for “opposition characters” to stop using police reports as a political tool, he condemned the alleged usage of the police as “a pawn in their petty political games”.


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